
Which subscription is right for you ?

Personal, Pro and Business plans are hosted on our servers. For a quick start.

Ideal for freelancers, individual users, and education.

9$ / month
30 days free
Free features
1 user max.
Up to 100k input tokens / month
Up to 100k output tokens / month

Ideal for individual developers or small teams who want a higher volume of AI consumption.

29$ / user / month
30 days free
Everything from Personal features +
5 users max.
Team management
Up to 200k input tokens / month
Up to 200k output tokens / month
Basic support

Ideal for businesses looking for centralized management, a strong support and advanced AI scenarios.

49$ / user / month
30 days free
Everything from Pro features +
Unlimited users
Team management
Up to 500k input tokens / month
Up to 500k output tokens / month
Premium support

Ideal for large businesses looking for On Premise, or Cloud with centralized management, SSO, a strong support and custom AI setup.

Everything from Business features +
Unlimited users
Team management
Illimited input tokens / month
Illimited output tokens / month
SSO (Single Sign-On) integration
Premium support